I have been quite absent from the blogiverse the last month or so and I do apologize, but I just haven't been able to tear myself away from everything I've been doing long enough to sit down and post (or comment... but I have been reading!!!). It's been a sort of tug of war lately... "Hmmm.... shall I blog? Or shall I stitch (or play with pictures, or sew, or drool all over fatquartershop.com, or research a new sewing mashine... okay, and I will admit that 'Angry Birds' has had me in an iron grip the last few evenings)??" Anywho! Without boring you further with excuses or my internal bloggy dilemna, here are a few of the things I've been up to in the past month.
Olga! She's done! And I love her!!! And she's finish finished! My first ever fall finish. Yay!! Check out the frame! I usually go for the much cheaper Joann's or Michaels frames (esp. with the fabulous coupons! You know me - El Cheapo Grande), but I could not resist the frame Paulette chose for her. I'm in love, I think.
I also won a giveaway of a few charts from Natalie! I forgot to take a pic of the charts, so here's the link instead (click on the word link). I started one of the charts. I'm doing this over one on 32 ct. linen. I was hoping to have this baby finished for Hallowe'en this year, but, alas it is not to be.
A couple (few?) nights ago I started the first of the PS Folk Art Christmas ornaments. This one is the church. I just love this series, and hope I can get more than one of them done in time to put up on the tree this year. We'll see!
I've also been busy with my sewing machine (hence the drooling all over the new one I want). I swear if it weren't for the thought of the expense of replacing windows my current machine would've been tossed out my craft room window on multiple {like, 100} occasions. Anyway, I made some camera strap covers for myself, and I made one for a friend of mine who is also a pic taking fanatic. I just love them! I don't know where I saw one on the web, but I did, and that led me to Etsy where there are some really gorgeous ones - for like $30!!! I did mention I'm cheap, right?

I made my first ever scissors fob, and I love it! The ends are a little messier than I'd like, so I found a tutorial that utilizes a "tidier" method, and am just waiting on the package from Amazon so that I can get to work on making a few more.
My dear friend and enabler, Deb (rather, her blogroll), led me to the Moda Bake Shop site this past Saturday morning, and I found this great little project for ornament balls using charm packs. I showed Leah and suggested we should make some Christmas ornaments like this. She was thrilled, and insisted (honestly, it didn't take much convincing) that we make them that day. So, we did! These aren't done, actually... I'm still waiting for the modge podge to dry (I think I might've gone a little overboard, really) before I put on the clear coat, then I have to add their hooks and ribbons. Pretty easy project, and oh so cute!
And what fall would be complete without some pumpkin patching?