Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hiya folks!

Wow... time flies by these days, doesn't it? This is such a busy time of year, but I absolutely love it! I'm sad to admit that I haven't put in a single stitch since my last post, lol!

Lots of Christmas preparation going on... shopping, decorating, and (amazing but true - for this area, anyway) a pretty significant snowfall which enabled me to get out with Leah and act like a kid for a couple hours.

So, in lieu of stitchy pics, I will share "pics of the season". :)

First, house pics - I'm done with the decor... for this year, anyway!

The tree in the living room... I always enjoy decorating the tree! Pulling out all the ornaments - some from before I was born - and recalling how I got them, the stories associated with each one. It's such a wonderful sense of nostalgia. It's especially great to start sharing these stories with Leah now that she's a little bit older. It's adorable to see the reverence she displays towards them after I tell some of the stories (i.e. "Mommy's grandma made that one.").

This is the little sitting area off the kitchen -it feels so cozy with the lights on, and the books all around. I've spent quite a bit of time sitting in here after Leah goes to bed just absorbing the peace.

And my Annalees... I looove these little things! They are so stinking cute!! I've been collecting them for a couple years now - I found them initially at Home Goods at an amaaazing amount off their original prices. 50 - 60% off! They aren't the current year's pieces, but that doesn't matter to me. I just love the nostalgic homey feel they have.

And now for the snowy afternoon pics. Before we went outside, Leah & Roscoe were having a blast watching the snow come down - Roscoe was beginning to get really ticked that he couldn't catch the snowflakes!

Leah and I finally made it outside about mid-afternoon... unfortunately, I don't have many pics, b/c I was afraid my camera would get too wet, and be ruined... Here is one that I thought was particularly cute, though:

Well, that's about all I've got for this go 'round! Thank you all for your comments - you ladies are wonderful! And, Siobhan - thanks for the pointer toward finishing instructions for my ornament! As soon as I get it finished I will hop right over there and check it out.

Have a fabulous week, everyone! With Christmas only 12 days away (Ha!! Really? I feel like breaking into song, now... but I'll restrain myself!), I'm sure we will all be pretty busy. Enjoy the season and make some fabulous new memories!



Catherine said...

What adorable pics of little Leah!

The Scarlett House said...

Your house looks so festive and cozy. I'd enjoy sitting in that corner, too. Leah is too cute trying to catch a snowfkae with her tongue.

Siobhán said...

I LOVE that picture of Leah and Roscoe, watching the snow--that is priceless. :)

Beautiful decorating pics! Everything looks peaceful. Good for you on the Annalee finds--I will have to look at HomeGoods next time I'm home! I have only ever seen them at pricey gift shops.

Glenna said...

What cute pictures--I visited you earlier this week but didn't have a chance to leave a comment, but now I can!

I just got your comment--it's snowing very, very hard. I'd be looking forward to it, even with all my unfinished chores, except I am worried about losing power. Oh, well, what can you do?

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Hi Robin! Happy New Year to you and your family. I love the pictures of Leah - she's such a doll. Just wondering how you're doing; It's been a little while since we've heard from you. I hope your holidays were joyful and that all is well.